Thursday, June 18, 2009

Excitement Rumbling

Wow I can not believe that there are only two more days left for me and my fellow ivy league members to arrive in Providence. The first time it was unbelievable and now getting the chance to go back, this time for three weeks, is even more incredible. I hope I get to explore even more into the Brown campus and the campuses of the Universities around. I can not wait to board that plane that will take me on this great adventure. It is an adventure for me because I will be seeing new sites, meeting new people, and learning an abundance of new interesting things. I have no doubt in my mind that this trip will be great and there will be a lot for me to get out of it.
I am ready to put effort into the things I will do on this summer trip and ready to receive more knowledge.

Sydney Frank

Mr. Frank what a generous man! Mr. Sydney Frank was born in Connecticut to a Jewish family. He attended Brown university but left after a year due to financial issues. He later made enormous gifts to the university to ensure that no on else had to drop out due to financial issues. Although he only went to Brown one year, he was able to land an engineering job at Pratt & Whitney in part because someone there had gone to the school. During WWII Frank worked for Pratt and Whitney as an aircraft engine mechanic.

Mr. Frank has given dozens on Brown alums what he couldn't afford as a young man: an education at Brown University.

This organization really makes me believe that there are truly people out there in the world that are generous. Learning about this man and what he did for others is really inspiring and uplifting. It makes me want to work 150% harder than I already am to do great in school so that I can apply and be accepted into Ivy League schools. Thank you Mr. Ramsey for giving me the opportunity to learn about this generous man.