Friday, June 19, 2009

With Only Hours Left

Wow! It's almost time to leave for Brown. It still hasn't completely hit me, but it eventually will at the airport. I'm just fumbling around trying to figure out if I missed anything (I don't think I did). Everyone is going to absolutely enjoy life in Rhode Island, they won't want to leave after the three weeks have passed. They'll see that it will feel exactly like home, with just a little twist in there. I'm just so excited, it's going to be very hard to get sleep tonight. Well I'm off to get myself organized!

Meeting With Sue Kim

The college essay workshop was very informative! I'm actually glad that we spent about 4 hours working on our essays. There was a lot of information and mistakes that I was about to make on my first draft of the essay. Now after the meeting I know what not to include in the essay and what to include. I started reading the book Never Eat Alone by Keith Ferrazzi and it's very interesting. It basically says that the way to get rich or be "big" in the world is to make and build on relationships. Well that's all for now, thanks again and can't wait to go to Brown next week!

Almost Leaving!

I can't believe it's almost time to leave for Brown! I'm filled with mixed emotions just thinking about it. I'm excited to be back at Brown, it's such a wonderful University, yet I'm sad to be leaving home (but I'll quickly get over that feeling). Being able to go back to Brown will really be a memorable summer experience, especially with the class that I'm taking. I can't wait to just walk down Thayer street and be in that calm, relaxing atmosphere. Better yet, I can't wait to meet up with old friends from last year.
The week has passed by so quickly, before I knew it, I was packed and ready to leave. I must say though, it took quite a while to narrow down my items to merely one suitcase (I hope I didn't miss anything). There are so many other things that I should be focusing on, but I can't get my mind off of Brown. For example, writing my personal statement for Sue Kim, which she has somehow tricked me into actually wanting to write. Still, with all that's coming up next year I can't bare to think about it when I'm leaving to Brown in less then two days! I'm so happy and excited to go! Thank you everyone who has given all of us this opportunity.

p.s. Sorry for not blogging sooner, I didn't have internet access because I recently moved.

With One Day Left.

It's almost here.

The suitcase is sitting on my floor, still empty, but the pile of stuff I'm bringing on my bed continues to grow. Right now, I'm waiting for a load of laundry to finish which includes some shirts, socks, and underwear- Always have to remember the fresh underwear (right mom?)

It's now that I get those anxious feelings. Will I really need 5 collared shirts? What if I run out of this-or-that? I'm resolved to keep my packing to what I actually need, but I'm still packing maybe a little much. Though, it's probably better that I worry now, so that I'm prepared for anything that may happen once I'm there.