Sunday, June 28, 2009

Brunch at the Maddock Center

This morning, after waking up to the blaring of my alarm clock, I ran into the shower, shaved, and got ready for our second formal event of the trip. I put on my slacks, my shiny shoes and a tie in order to look as swank as possible. Then, I headed across the street to the Maddock Alumi Center

We began with introductions, and then collected our food. There was an amazing spread of quiche, frittata, bacon, blueberry french toast, fruit, and other delectable goodies—not to mention plenty of coffee.

I was fortunate enough to sit next to Elizabeth Hart, Associate Director of Admission. She spent the brunch answering my questions. "Is the Open Curriculum a good fit for everyone" "What kinds of undergraduate research opportunities are there." She was able to answer every question asked, usually with an anecdote of some student she had met, and with each answer, it became more clear.

Brown is the place for me. Its opportunities for travel, community service project funding, limitless (well 2000) courses and much more.

Until next time,
Joseph Young

1 comment:

Don Gosney said...


It doesn't sound like it took all that much to convince you that the sun rises and sets with Brown. Good food, a smart good looking woman to eat with and answers to all of your questions: that's all it took?

Well, good for you. A lot of people have chosen Brown for a lot less and done quite well. Hopefully you won't have to get yourself spruced up any more before you come home.